Monday, August 24, 2020

William Blakes The Tyger Essays - The Tyger, Poetry, Tyger

William Blake's The Tyger The Tyger Ana Melching 5-8-99 Does god make both delicate and frightful animals? In the event that he does what right does he have? Both of these non-serious inquiries are asked by William Blake in his sonnet The Tyger. The sonnet takes the peruser on an excursion of confidence, addressing god and his inclination. The sonnet finishes a pattern of scrutinizing the maker of the tyger, talking about how it could have been made, and afterward comes back to scrutinizing the maker once more. The two inquiries concerning the tyger's maker are left unanswered. William Blake utilizes cadence, rhyme, and idyllic gadgets to make a one of a kind impact and to equal his subject in his work The Tyger. William Blake's decision of cadence is essential to his sonnet The Tyger on the grounds that it matches the subject of the sonnet, that the tyger may have been made by god or another harsher maker. Most of the sonnet is written in trochaic tetrameter as can be found in line three, when Blake says, What eternal hand or eye. This mood is harsh sounding, embodying the very idea of the tyger. A portion of the lines in the sonnet were written in versifying tetrameter, for example, in line ten, when Blake says, Could curve the ligaments of thy heart? . Versifying tetrameter has an a lot milder sounding beat than does trochaic tetrameter. This suggests the delicate idea of god, and on the off chance that he could make such a brute. The final expression of each quatrain is written in a spondee. This assists with making a special evenness what's more, to resemble the frightful evenness of a tyger. William Blake's utilization of rhyme incredibly influences his work The Tyger. The whole sonnet is written in couplets. Couplets contain two lines, resembling the polarity of the sonnet, that everything has different sides or parts. The rhyme plot is AA BB CC and so forth. Since the rhyming words are so discernable from the non-rhyming words, they structure two separate classifications, which additionally matches the polarity of the sonnet. William Blake's decision of wonderful gadgets enormously influence his work The Tyger. He utilizes uproar, which is a harsh sounding gathering of words, to represent the savage idea of the tyger and to think about whether it was made in hellfire by a shrewd maker. This can be found in line sixteen when he says, Dare its dangerous fear fasten. This line sounds undesirable and unforgiving to the ears. William Blake utilizes melodiousness, which is a smooth sounding gathering of words, to show the delicate idea of god and to think about whether he made the tyger. This can be found in line twenty when he says Did he who made the sheep make thee? This line sounds delicate and satisfying to the ears. William Blake utilizes similar sounding word usage and sound similarity to cause his words to appear to be unforgiving or delicate. He utilizes similar sounding word usage, which is the reiteration of indistinguishable consonants to make his words appear to be brutal as in far off deeps or dare the dangerous. This stresses the tiger's harsh nature, and questions the idea of it's maker. He additionally utilizes sound similarity, which is the redundancy of indistinguishable vowel sounds, in lines ten and eleven when he says turn the ligaments, and started to beat. This accentuates the considerate mindset of god. William Blake never addresses his inquiry regarding the obscure nature of god. He surrenders it over to the peruser to choose. By starting and closure his sonnet with a similar quatrain he inquires the inquiry regarding god making insidious just as great, once more. By transforming one word from could to might he venture to states that if god genuinely created this monster, the tyger, at that point how could he. This additionally assists with giving the sonnet a conventional culmination. By changing his beat from trochaic to versifying, Blake shows the two potential natures of god, or of the two makers. By utilizing couplets he underlines the polarity of the sonnet. By utilizing graceful gadgets for example, melodiousness, uproar, sound similarity, and similar sounding word usage he can further build up his inquiry concerning the idea of god, delicate, or unforgiving. His facetious inquiries are left unanswered. By doing this he leaves his perusers pondering, Is there actually an answer? List of sources none Verse Essays

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Nuclear Power Essay Summary Example For Students

Atomic Power Essay Summary Radioactive squanders, must for the security of humanity be put away or arranged in such a way, that seclusion from the biosphere is guaranteed until they have rotted to harmless levels. On the off chance that this isn't done, the world could confront serious physical issues to living species living on this planet. A few iotas can break down suddenly. As they do, they produce ionizing radiation. Iotas having this property are called radioactive. By a wide margin the best number of employments for radioactivity in Canada relate not to the parting, however to the rot of radioactive materials radioisotopes. These are temperamental particles that radiate vitality for a while that fluctuates with the isotope. During this dynamic period, while the particles are rotting to a steady express their energies can be utilized by the sort of vitality they produce. Since the mid 1900s radioactive squanders have been put away in various habits, yet since quite a long while better approaches for arra nging and putting away these squanders have been grown so they may not, at this point be destructive. A profitable method of putting away radioactive squanders is by a procedure called vitrification. Vitrification is a semi-constant procedure that empowers the accompanying tasks to be completed with a similar hardware: dissipation of the waste arrangement blended in with the added substances necesary for the creation of borosilicate glass, calcination and elaboration of the glass. These tasks are completed in a metallic pot that is warmed in an enlistment urnace. The vitrification of one heap of squanders involves the accompanying stages. The initial step is Feeding. In this progression the vitrification gets a steady progression of blend of squanders and of added substances until it is 80% loaded with calcine. The taking care of rate and warming force are balanced with the goal that a watery period of a few liters is forever kept up at the outside of the pot. The subsequent advance is the Calcination and glass vanishing. In this progression when the pot is essentially brimming with calcine, the temperature is logically expanded up to 1100 to 1500 C and afterward is kept up for a few hours so to permit the glass to expound. The third step is Glass throwing. The glass is thrown in an uncommon holder. The warming of the yield of the vitrification pot causes the glass attachment to dissolve, in this way permitting the glass to stream into compartments which are then moved into the capacity. Albeit some portion of the waste is changed into a strong item there is still treatment of vaporous and fluid squanders. The gases that escape from the pot during taking care of and calcination are gathered and sent to ruthenium channels, condensers and cleaning segments. The ruthenium channels comprise of a bed of glass pellets covered with ferrous oxide and kept up at a temperature of 500 C. In the treatment of fluid squanders, the condensates gathered contain about 15% ruthenium. This is then moved in an evaporator where nitric corrosive is obliterated by formaldehyde in order to keep up low sharpness. The focus is then killed and enters the vitrification pot. When the v itrification procedure is done, the compartments are put away in a capacity pit. This pit has been structured so the quantity of holders that might be put away is proportionate to nine years of creation. Amazing ventilators give air course to chill off glass.The glass delivered has the benefit of being put away as strong as opposed to fluid. The upsides of the solids are that they have practically complete insolubility, substance idlenesses, nonattendance of unpredictable items and great radiation obstruction. The ruthenium that getaways is consumed by a channel. The measure of ruthenium prone to be discharged into the earth is negligible. Another strategy that is being utilized today to dispose of radioactive waste is simply the situation and processingradioactive squanders in profound underground holes. This is the discarding poisonous squanders by joining them into liquid silicate rock, with low penetrability. By this technique, fluid squanders are infused into a profound undergr ound depression with mineral treatment and permitted to self-bubble. The subsequent steam is handled at ground level and reused in a shut framework. At the point when squander expansion is ended, the stack is permitted to bubble dry. The warmth produced by the radioactive squanders at that point softens the encompassing stone, in this manner dissolving the squanders. At the point when waste and water expansion stop, the pit temperature would ascend to the dissolving purpose of the stone. As the liquid stone mass increments in size, so does the surface region. This outcomes in a higher pace of conductive warmth misfortune to the encompassing stone. Simultaneously the warmth creation pace of radioactivity lessens in light of rot. At the point when the warmth misfortune rate surpasses that of info, the liquid stone will start to cool and harden. At long last the stone refreezes, catching the radioactivity in an insoluble stone framework profound underground. The warmth encompassing the radioactivity would forestall the interruption of ground water. All things considered, the steam and fume are did not discharge anymore. The outlet opening would be fixed. To go somewhat more profound into this idea, the treatment of the losses before infusion is significant. To stay away from breakdown of the stone that establishes the arrangement, the corrosiveness of he squanders must be decreased. It has been built up tentatively that pH estimations of 6.5 to 9.5 are the best for all getting developments. With such a pH run, breakdown of the development rock and separation of the arrangement water are kept away from. The steadiness of waste containing metal cations which become hydrolysed in corrosive can be ensured distinctly by complexing specialists which structure water-dissolvable edifices with cations in the significant pH go. The significance of complexing in the planning of squanders increments since raising of the waste arrangement pH to lack of bias, or slight alkalin ity brings about expanded sorption by the development rock of radioisotopes present as free cations. The joining of such cations causes an articulated change in their appropriation between the fluid and strong stages and debilitates the bonds among isotopes and arrangement rock. Presently readiness of the arrangement is as similarly significant. To diminish the chance of compound association between the waste and the development, the waste is first flushed with corrosive arrangements. This activity evacuates the foremost minerals prone to get associated with trade responses and the solvent stone particles, along these lines making a permeable zone fit for pleasing the waste. For this situation the necessary corrosiveness of the flushing arrangement is set up tentatively, while the necessary measure of spiral scattering is resolved utilizing the formula:R = Qt2 mn R is the waste scattering sweep (metres)Q is the stream rate (m/day)t is the arrangement siphoning time (days)m is the su ccessful thickness of the development (metres)n is the powerful porosity of the arrangement (%)In this idea, the capacity and preparing are limited. There is no surface stockpiling of squanders required. The perpetual authoritative of radioactive squanders in rock framework gives confirmation of its changeless disposal in the earth. This is a technique for removal safe from the impacts of quakes, floods or disrupts. With the improvement of new particle exchangers and the advances made in particle innovation, the field of utilization of these materials in squander treatment keeps on developing. Cleaning factors accomplished in particle trade treatment of waste arrangements fluctuate with the sort and sythesis of the waste stream, the radionuclides in the arrangement and the kind of exchanger. Squander answer for be handled by particle trade ought to have a low suspended solids focus, under 4ppm, since this material will meddle with the procedure by covering the exchanger surface. By and large the waste arrangements ought to contain under 2500mg/l all out solids. The vast majority of the broke up solids would be ionized and would contend with the radionuclides for the trade locales. In the occasion where the waste can meet these determinations, two head procedures are utilized: group activity and segment activity. .uf94f90c3f79891bc25c2dbcc013861e3 , .uf94f90c3f79891bc25c2dbcc013861e3 .postImageUrl , .uf94f90c3f79891bc25c2dbcc013861e3 .focused content territory { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .uf94f90c3f79891bc25c2dbcc013861e3 , .uf94f90c3f79891bc25c2dbcc013861e3:hover , .uf94f90c3f79891bc25c2dbcc013861e3:visited , .uf94f90c3f79891bc25c2dbcc013861e3:active { border:0!important; } .uf94f90c3f79891bc25c2dbcc013861e3 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .uf94f90c3f79891bc25c2dbcc013861e3 { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; murkiness: 1; change: darkness 250ms; webkit-change: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .uf94f90c3f79891bc25c2dbcc013861e3:active , .uf94f90c3f79891bc25c2dbcc013861e3:hover { mistiness: 1; progress: obscurity 250ms; webkit-progress: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .uf94f90c3f79891bc25c2dbcc013861e3 .focused content region { width: 100%; position: rela tive; } .uf94f90c3f79891bc25c2dbcc013861e3 .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content enhancement: underline; } .uf94f90c3f79891bc25c2dbcc013861e3 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .uf94f90c3f79891bc25c2dbcc013861e3 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; fringe range: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: intense; line-stature: 26px; moz-outskirt sweep: 3px; content adjust: focus; content embellishment: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: supreme; right: 0; top: 0; } .uf94f90c3f79891bc25c2dbcc013861e3:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .uf94f90

Thursday, July 23, 2020

What to Do with Winter Break

What to Do with Winter Break It is finals week, and that may seem a bit stressful for students. However, winter break is just around the corner! Winter break is a time to catch up on sleep, spend time with family, and get ready for round two  in the  spring. The University of Illinois offers opportunities for a productive winter break regardless of where you end up. Productive things  to do over break include going abroad, taking a winter course, doing a job shadow, or maybe even attending a conference. The University of Illinois provides numerous opportunities for students to go abroad and spend time learning in other countries. I have not been fortunate enough myself to go abroad, but it is on the college bucket list. Many of my friends have had an opportunity to go abroad and have shared that it is something I must do! Studying abroad is a great addition to your resume as well as an opportunity to gain cultural insight you might not be able to gain here. The University of Illinois also offers opportunities for students to take winter courses. Sometimes during the course of your college career, you fall behind and need credits, youre  trying to get ahead, or youd simply just like to take a course for fun. Numerous courses are offered to students to help them to reach their academic goals. Being at home over winter break may put you closer to some top-notch work places. Some students spend their time over winter break learning about what careers they would like to have post-graduation. My academic adviser has shared with me many job shadowing opportunities available in my field. This could be an opportunity for me to grow my network and even gain some insight into the different industries. Last winter break, I was provided with an opportunity to attend a conference with the University of Illinois Leadership Center. The conference was the Leadershape Institute. It was a week long and was held at nearby Allerton Park. This experience helped me to grow academically, mentally, and professionally. I found it to be a productive opportunity for me to maximize my collegiate experience. Winter break should be spent relaxing, connecting with family, and enjoying time away from school. However, winter break can also be productive for your college career. In the past I was fortunate enough to have a productive winter break and hope to continue to do so. Immanuel Class of 2019 I am majoring in Agricultural and Consumer Economics within the College of Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences. I am from the northwest suburbs of Chicago. I chose the University of Illinois because of everything it can offer its students.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Ethical Challenges Faced By Mcdonald s - 1338 Words

Ethical challenges faced by McDonald’s Introduction Globalization and industrialization has influenced international business and ethics to consider a different approach to culture. There are certain perspectives to culture which demand change in the organizational and managerial functions. International companies today formulate separate business plans to strategically overcome cultural and ethical challenges in host countries. Globalization has internationally integrated the world with respect to products, ideas and different aspects of culture. The word culture regulates international businesses as it performs non identically in host countries and the home countries. Ethical challenges faced by a multinational company in a host country often juxtaposed with challenges faced by the company in home countries to see a strong contrast. The external factors and resources that affect the business are different across the globe. The first McDonald’s restaurant was run by brothers Dick and Mac McDonald in San Bernardino, California. There are now 36,258 McDonald’s restaurants in 119 countries, of which 29,544 are franchised serving over 69 million customers every day. Ray Kroc who was an American Businessman and philanthropist who joined McDonald’s and made it into the most successful fast food operations in the world. â€Å"Kroc ... believed fervently in the ethic of mass production† (E, Schlosser, 2004). It is a multinational corporation which has changed its organizationalShow MoreRelatedReconciling Ethics in the Global Market1025 Words   |  5 Pagesperson’s life, as he or she acquires personal beliefs of right and wrong, (Walker, 2001). Ethics are standards of conduct that indicate how individuals ought to behave when faced with difficult situations. These standards are based primarily on values and principles about what is right or wrong. 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Thursday, May 7, 2020

Essay on The Debate over Raising the Minimum Wage

The federal minimum wage was raised to $7.25 an hour by Congress in 2009, something that has been carried out only a handful of times since the establishment of the wage in the Fair Labor Standards Act in 1938. Even with this modest rise in income, the minimum wage today does not provide for a decent standard of living. It has failed to keep pace with the wage growth of an average American worker. The minimum wage was intended provide a minimum standard of living; to aid in alleviating poverty and reward one for their work, however, in today’s economy, it fails to live up to these modest goal. Despite the fact that many adults and their families included depend on these wages to make ends meet there exists stiff opposition to any†¦show more content†¦It would appear that the bottom line is more important than the safety and well being of those who help them achieve profitability. This scenario is not mere fantasy but a reality for many in the early ninetieth century, the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. Oftentimes, industries and businesses rebuffed any government involvement in their daily activities. They regularly exerted their power, fighting for autonomy in regulating their own practices, and more times than not, were successful. Employees had no bargaining power and were regularly exploited, forced to take any job they could in order to survive (Levin-Waldman, 2009). It was not until the passage of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) in 1938, a landmark piece of legislation, that they were afforded any bargaining power at all. This act, in Roosevelt’s words, was designed to put ‘a floor below wages and a ceiling over hours’ (Shierholz, 2009) by establishing a federal minimum wage; twenty five cents at that time. Not much by today’s standards but for workers then, it was actually more than most were being paid. Th e federal minimum wage provided certain protections in the labor market by guaranteeing one could not receive any wage less than that. Additionally, it established a regular work week at forty hours, provided requirements for overtime pay, and prohibited most child labor. For the first time, theShow MoreRelatedEffects of Increasing Minimum Wage Essay988 Words   |  4 Pagesidea of having a federal minimum wage is a good one. The idea is to protect low and unskilled workers from discrimination and allow all workers to earn a living wage. The recent debate on the floor, though, is whether or not to raise the minimum wage from the current $7.25 per hour up to $10.10 per hour. President Barack Obama made this proposal during his annual State of the Union Address on January 28, and following this there were many hot debates about it. The debates focused not only on the advantagesRead MoreEffects of Increasing Minimum Wage794 Words   |  3 Pagesa federal minimum wage is a good one. The idea is to protect low and unskilled workers and allow workers to earn a living wage. The recent debate on the floor, though, is whether or not to raise the minimum wage from the current $7.25 per hour up to $10.10. President Barack Obama made this proposal during his annual State of the Union Address, and after this there were many hot debates about it. The debates focused not only on the pro side and the con side of increasing the minimum wage, but alsoRead MoreThe Debate Over Minimum Wage940 Words   |  4 Pages The debate on raising the minimum wage has been discussed in detail in Congress for the past eighteen months. But as of late, writer William Finnegan suggests, it is â€Å"among the many urgent issues that it [Congress] certainly won’t address.† Though this issue is important, Congress seems to be putting off making any real decision in regards to raising the minimum wage. The bill to raise minimum wage from $7.25 per hour to $10.10 and hour over a two year period had been thrown around for monthsRead MoreMinimum Wage Should Be Legal1435 Words   |  6 PagesMinimum wage is currently a very heavily debated topic. Many are in favor of raising the current national minimum wage of $7.25 to a more livable wage; suggestions for this increase are anywhere between $9-15 per hour. While the minimum wage has been raised several times throughout the years, it has not been kept proportional to raises in inflation which has led to a decrease in the amount of goods that people are able to buy with those wages, in turn making their economic lives more difficult. ThoseRead MoreMinimum Wage Argument Jack Page 2/26/13 One of the hot topics recently in this country is the600 Words   |  3 PagesMinimum Wage Argument Jack Page 2/26/13 One of the hot topics recently in this country is the question, and debate, of should minimum wage be raised? With both sides wildly arguing about raising the minimum wage being good or bad, and the truth behind whether it will do more good than harm to this country. The question still remains with should it be raised? For supporters of the wage being raised they are excited for what the White House’s Council of Economic Advisors stated. â€Å"White House’s CouncilRead MoreThe Minimum Wage Debate870 Words   |  4 PagesThe minimum wage debate has recently made a large comeback in United States politics. Contemporary studies show over 3.8 million Americans are paid at or below minimum wage (Dickinson 33). Many have looked skeptically back on past wage systems and have questioned wage’s relationship to current market inflation. In response to this inquiry, a large majority of the general population, relatively unrelated to their degree of income, support legislation to increase the minimum. However, the issue hasRead MoreThe Minimum Wage Debate ( Hassett Strain )973 Words   |  4 Pagesthink about minimum wage and what our belief on raising it is, most people think one of two things. People hold to the belief that a raise to the minimum wage good for the economy or it is ba d for the economy. The authors of â€Å"the minimum wage debate† (Hassett Strain, 2013) would attempt to have us look at the debate in another way. In their article they use a number of rhetorical techniques on us to try and have the reader examine why they are in favor of a raise in the minimum wage. Are we in favorRead MoreThe Minimum Wage Debacle1320 Words   |  6 PagesThe Minimum Wage Debacle â€Å"I could be easily replaced by someone tomorrow for less money.† What a dispiriting statement. I was told this from a coworker in October of last year. This coworker has worked for the same grocery store for over twenty years. His remark caused me to formulate many questions about the ethics of business. More specifically though is the question of how this can be a bigger problem than I had originally thought. I have worked many low end jobs, and have seen firstRead MoreThe Minimum Wage Should Not Be Raised1187 Words   |  5 Pagesis that paying a higher minimum wage would help lift people out of poverty by giving those with low paying jobs a higher income, however the evidence suggests otherwise. The 2016 race to the White House heating up, the minimum wage battle is at the forefront of every economic discussion. The rhetoric between candidates within and across party lines is intensifying. Many differing opinions are being heard. As the debate over whether or not to raise the federal minimum wage from $7.25/hour to $15/hourRead MoreBenefits Of Working For Minimum Wage907 Words   |  4 Pagestheir employe’s hourly wages based on a minimum wage. Today in America we have many hard workers who are working for minimum wage which consists of $7.25 per hour. There is some businesses that believe all employees should be paid at minimum wage while other businesses pay well over minimum wage. Skills, attitude, responsibility and work ethic all affect how employers base employees hourly wage. When looking at the economy the government should not increase mnimum wages, there are many factors

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Original Writing The Assassination Free Essays

The Assassin lay in wait. She knew what she had to do, where to be, where to hide and at what time. She also knew who the victim was. We will write a custom essay sample on Original Writing: The Assassination or any similar topic only for you Order Now Now, all she needed to do was wait. She had perched herself in the neighbouring chimney. Her research had been done. The owners of the house were away on holiday. The house was hers. While she waited, the smell in the chimney was pungent. God what had they burnt in here? She could literally taste what had been burning. Pleasant thoughts were trying to take over the smell of the chimney. It was starting to work until her concentration was broken by the sound of a car pulling into a driveway. The target was sighted. No, wait. It was the victim’s son. He didn’t matter; as long as he kept out of the way he would not fall to the same fate as his father. She thought about how much was staked on her to leave no recognition, to the police, that there had ever been anyone there. She never did of course; she was a professional. Her finger found the trigger of the rifle and gripped tightly. The question was asked to herself as to why she was so worried as to killing her target. She had done it many a time and was the government’s first choice to do this assassination. A few cars passed on the dark, lonely road leading up to the driveway that was gloomy in the night sky. She sighed heavily, her sigh passed down the chimney and through the rest of the house. The silent wait continued†¦ The silence of the night was deafening. The force of the rain was extremely light but the Assassin was soaked right through to the bone. Somewhere in the distance a dog barked. Washington D. C’s weather was so lousy this time of year. The darkness was descending slowly, the house, from where the assassin was perched, was dark, lonely and frightening. Lightening flashed above the house. In the lightening, the assassin looked like a zombie. The wind became stronger as the night dragged slowly on. The lights that ran parallel with the street were all burning brightly except for one. The only one that wasn’t working was the seventh one along. It was the one right outside the house. The rain had ceased now. The tarmac glistened after the rain had stopped. The line of shrubbery reminded the killer of a war movie she had seen recently. ‘The Front Line’. That was the name of the film. Some teenagers passed by the house. They looked a bit drunk. The wind carried the dead leaves along the ground and through the air. The Assassin heard a noise approaching to her left†¦ She stubbed out her cigarette as the silver Mercedes(tm) turned off the road onto the muddy, rutted path leading to the house. The Assassin noted that the car had defective windscreen wipers; there were mud streaks on the side and a damaged bumper. As the car came to a stop outside the house, Her victim checked his watch; it was time for his favourite Radio Programme. So he sat inside of his car, turned on the radio and listened to it in comfort. The Assassin cursed herself. Why wasn’t he getting out of the car? She heard the music go on, so she lifted her rifle and looked through the scope. He was sitting with a bottle of Baileys, listening to the Radio. She waited a bit longer. Eventually, he got out. John, now drunk, looked at his badge on his suit. It said ‘John Kerry’. Even though it was not raining, John stupidly put up his umbrella†¦ The assassin grinned to herself. She was finally going to get her kill. John was staggering left and right, which meant her shot, would have to be even more accurate. But, luckily for her, he was about the length of 3 Double Decker buses away from the front door. She lifted the rifle’s scope to the man. She took aim, the trigger contracted into the gun. As if by pure luck, the man tripped and fell right at the last second, causing the bullet to narrowly miss its destination. She couldn’t believe it. Anger swelled up inside her. She punched the gun so hard that it went unnoticed that the silencer fell off to the ground below. Reloading her gun was quite hard while she was shaking. The sight was lifted again and the shot was fired. This time it hit him right in the heart. He went flying into a nearby wall. The force of the blow scattered all of his personal belongings out of his suit. The deed had been done. She wiped the sweat from her brow as she was clearing up. But as she was cleaning up her thoughts went back to the shot. Could the shot have been heard? The floor of the chimney was searched but she couldn’t find the silencer. Then her worst fears came true. Lights in the nearby house shot on. Then her thoughts were broken by the sound of a low groan coming from the driveway from across the way. John was crawling towards his mobile phone. Her items were dropped to the bottom of the chimney. She thrust her body off the roof, causing her to roll across the ground. A dagger was pulled from her belt and was driven towards her victim. Her foot connected with the bottom of his jaw and the mobile phone; causing only the mobile to scatter. He was grabbed by the neck of his suit by the Assassin and his throat slit. He died instantly. The Assassin stood up and walked towards the end of the driveway until she was stopped in her tracks by a mysterious figure at the doorway to Kerry’s house†¦ It was John’s son, William. He was wielding a machete. William was quick but not as quick as the assassin. The second he raised the blade to charge, the murderer turned and threw the dagger, with perfect accuracy and precision, straight into the thigh of the victim’s son. His eyes opened wide but, as she intended, he was stopped in his tracks. He tried his hardest to concentrate on the assassin. The pain was excruciating. He staggered forward, unaware that the assassin was starting to make a run for it and the neighbours watching. They stared in disbelief as he pulled the dagger out of his thigh and attempted to give chase but was no match for her speed. He thought she had gotten away until one of the neighbours, named Terry, offered him a lift in his car. Terry and William drove quietly along the dark road following the assassin. The assassin thought she had lost him but then she seen two bright lights coming towards her. Using her swiftness, she ran and blended in with the bushes leading to the park. The car pulled onto the kerb and the doors slowly opened. She put her hand on her handgun. Just in case. They got out of the car slowly and carefully proceeded through the park. Suddenly Terry disappeared into the bushes causing William to jump. He investigated the bush to find Terry. He found Terry with a sleeper dart hanging from his neck. William left him. He went into the shrubs at the side. He had a hunch. She looked back out of the shrubs only to find that he had disappeared. Her hand loosened slightly on the handgun. She felt a crack in the back of her head as she went flying forward into the clearing. As she got up William was upon her like a shot. As she fought wildly to get him off her hand found something to be hard and sharp. Unfortunately for her William found the same item and they held the item between them each trying to stab each other. She identified the item as her dagger. But her taking her eyes away from the struggle gave William the chance he needed to rip the dagger free from her grasp. As he brought the knife down into her chest as she found her gun, put to the back of his throat and pulled the trigger. William lay motionless. She felt a sharp pain in her chest – what could it be? She wondered, gasping or breathe. Slowly opening her jacket, the assassin felt shocked when she realised that the blood was hers. She was feeling light headed now and cold. Maybe she needed a sit down to rest her eyes. Yes, that is what she decided to do. It was mid afternoon the following day when the police found them – William still lay motionless and pale. The assassin looked peaceful – as if she were asleep. Why was it that she killed John Kerry? I guess we might never find out†¦ How to cite Original Writing: The Assassination, Papers

Monday, April 27, 2020

Of Mice And Men Essays (565 words) - English-language Films

Of Mice And Men Of Mice and Men Essay written by Joe A guy goes nuts if he aint got nobody. Don't matter no difference who the guy is, long's he's with you. I tell ya a guy gets too lonely an' he gets sick. A major theme in Steinbeck's novella Of Mice and Men is loneliness. The characters Crooks, Candy and Curley's wife each suffer from this although the severity of their seclusion varied. The old swapper, Candy was victimized by isolation as a result of two main factors, one being his disability and the other being his age. For example, throughout the book we find the farmhands out bucking the barley while Candy is left behind to sweep and clean the ranch. He lost his hand after getting it caught in a piece of machinery and as a result he is forced to stay behind. This being one of the major factors that leads to his loneliness. Furthermore, Candy's age adds to his feeling of uselessness. Because he thinks that he is old he puts himself in a state of mind that handicaps him more than his missing hand ever will. He looks down on himself as an old worthless man that's wasting away his last few years. Not only is it the way that others think of him but also the way he thinks of himself that forces him to find solitude. The most evident case of loneliness is Curley's wife. No matter how hard she tried she couldn't fit in. For example, when she tried numerous times to talk to George and Lenny she was either ignored or told to leave. Because of her reputation for being a flirt none of the farmhands wanted to talk to her. It was the threat of getting in trouble with Curley that caused many workers to avoid her. In addition, because of Curley's insecure feelings he neglected her and forced her to seek attention anyway she could, even it meant flirting. She was ignored by both the farmhands and her own husband and because of this she was being forced into loneliness, the one thing she fought so hard against. Crooks is a black man that experiences isolation in terms of racism. For example, he is forced to live alone in the barn. Because the setting of this book takes place during the 1930's discrimination sadly still existed. The farmhands feel that since he is black he isn't worthy of living with the rest of them. Furthermore, his separation from others causes his severe loneliness. He spends his nights reading and his days alone in the barn working on the horses. His distance from others eventually causes his downfall. We find discrimination being the major cause of this characters loneliness. He is treated as an outcast and underling and is forced to find friendship in the only thing he can, the books he reads. Loneliness is an inevitable fact of life that not even the strongest can avoid. Throughout the story Of Mice and Men we discover the many sources of solitude, primarily being discrimination and prejudice. Crooks, Candy, and Curley's wife all suffer from these facts which leads them to their loneliness. As for the consequences we find that the severity of each characters loneliness varied and that the eventual effects were directly related to the magnitude of their desolation. Bibliography My name is Joe. Acceptance Essays

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Symbolic Logic essays

Symbolic Logic essays People use science and mathematics everyday when they make decisions through reasoning. This is known as logic. The definition of logic as in Websters dictionary is a science that deals with principles and criteria of validity of inference and demonstration, the science of the formal principles of reasoning. There are many forms of logic in vastly different subjects, but the logic that Im going to deal with in this writing assignment Is known as symbolic logic. In this writing project, I will define symbolic logic and give a brief insight on how Lewis Carroll used symbolic logic in his lifetime. Lewis Carroll was a very indecisive man, that seemed to change his area of study to focus on frequently. But as an inquisitive young man, Carroll was always interested in logic and logic puzzles. Lewis Carroll was born Charles Lutwidge Dodgson on January 27, 1832 and died on January 14, 1898. He took on the pseudonym, Lewis Carroll, as a name for his literary works. In the 66 years of his life, he has written more than 10 books, some of them were childrens stories and some of them were texts of math and logic, since he was, for 26 years, a mathematical lecturer at Oxford. ...

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

French Nasal Vowels for English Speakers

French Nasal Vowels for English Speakers When we speak of nasal vowels in French, we are referring to certain characteristically French vowel sounds that are produced by expelling air through the nose. All other French vowels sounds are pronounced mainly through the mouth, with no obstruction of the lips, tongue or throat. Nasal Vowels and Nasal Consonants Vowels followed by m or n, as in the words  un, on and an, are  nasal. Try to say them and youll see that air is expelled primarily through the nose, not the mouth. This doesnt hold  true, however, when the nasal consonants m or n are followed by another vowel. In this case, the vowel and consonant are both voiced. For example: un  Ã‚  Ã‚  nasalune  Ã‚  Ã‚  voiced There are also nasal vowels in English, but they are a bit different than French nasal vowels. In English, the nasal consonant (m or n) is pronounced and thus nasalizes the vowel that precedes it. In French, the vowel is nasal and the consonant is not pronounced. Compare the following: French  Ã‚  on  Ã‚  anEnglish  Ã‚  own  Ã‚  on French Vowels in General Overall, French vowels share a few characteristics:   Most French vowels are pronounced further forward in the mouth than their English counterparts.The tongue must remain tensed throughout the pronunciation of the vowel.French vowels do not form diphthongs, which is  a sound produced by the combination of two vowels in a single syllable, in which the sound begins as one vowel and moves toward another (as in  coin,  loud  and  side  ).  In English, vowels tend to be followed by a y sound (after a, e, i) or a w sound (after o, u). In French, this is not the case: The vowel sound remains constant; it does not change into a y or w sound. Thus, the French vowel has  a purer sound than the English vowel. In addition to nasal vowels, there are other categories of French vowels as well. Hard and Soft Vowels In French, a,  o, and  u  are known as hard vowels while e  and  i  are considered soft vowels, because of certain consonants (c,  g,  s) change pronunciation (hard or soft), in agreement with the vowel that follows them. If theyre followed by a soft vowel, these consonants become soft as well, as in manger and là ©ger. If theyre followed by a hard vowel, they, too, become hard, as in the name Guy. Vowels With Accent Marks Physical  accent  marks on letters, a required feature of French orthography,  can and often do change the pronunciation of vowels, as in the scores of French es with either accent  grave  (pronounced eh) or the acute accent  aigue (pronounced ay).

Saturday, February 15, 2020

E-commerce Security Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

E-commerce Security - Assignment Example The product of GAP is majorly the GAP image. Apart from just selling accessories and clothes, GAP makes huge sales of their own image as well as a trendy upper class environment of shopping. The company has branched out to many other markets like GAP outlet and Baby GAP. The company deals in various clothes of which some are in the stage of maturity with other brand new lines in the stage of introduction. GAP can keep up with the stiff competition online as it continually rolls out varying products to its clients. GAP is influenced by many factors just like other online retail centers. These can be both external and internal factors. They are hence considered when marketing strategy is being created. Today, GAP is trading towards being a driven by brand marketing rather than by creative marketing. GAP as a company experiences various strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The strengths of the company include: effective customer service; quality products; reliable services ; and branching out to the internet. On the other hand, its weaknesses include: the price point; competition from other available stores; and the stuffiness image of the company. GAP Company enjoys varying opportunities from the internet ranging from the stock market prices, and development of the new plan of marketing. However, the threats that are in store for GAP include: the industrial expansion; increasing competition; and high competition in internet shopping. The primary target of GAP is a Caucasian female ranging between 21 and 35 years of age. The male Caucasians of between 24 and 35 years and females lying between 15 to 20 years makes the secondary target market of the company. There are other targets in the online market but those two forms its major targets. The product of the GAP Company include: Baby GAP, GAP outlet, and SKU’s such as Old Navy and banana republic. The company is influenced by internal and external factors such as; competitive forces, economic fo rces, political forces, legal forces, regulatory forces, technological forces, and socio cultural forces (Holmes, 2011). Company history and background The first GAP store was opened by Doris and Donald Fisher on August 21, 1969 in San Francisco, Ocean Avenue. The merchandise of the store was composed of LPs and Levi’s. The Fishers raised about 63,000 US dollars in order to open the store. In about a year, the sales of GAP had grown to 2 million US dollars. A second GAP store was opened in 1970 in California, San Jose, with its headquarters established in Burlingame, California with mere four employees. The company grew rapidly. It had more than 25 stores by 1973 covering up to outskirts of California and entered the market of East Coast with a new online store in New Jersey, Voorhees. GAP began selling private label merchandise in 1974. Drexler Millard led GAP to its phenomenal growth in 1990s due to the transformation of the humble jeans discount emporium. In 2002, Drexler was ousted after an over expansion and slump sales. There was a strong rebound in GAP’

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Nursing Organizational Presentation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Nursing Organizational Presentation - Essay Example ities that the organization goes by and are in a way related to the amount of loyalty, commitment and productivity that the nurses will give into the organization. As a result, when the values of the organization do not match the values of the nurses, they have do device a way to cope with these differences. Usually, low job satisfaction and rates of high attrition lead to the lack of an opportunity to express values of nurses in their practice and also lead to conflict with organizational constraints. They can then react in various ways to these differences. The first reaction can be through acceptance of the different values of the organization and succumbing to them even if they do not agree with them. They may also reject the notions or values that they disagree with. The third can be innovation on the differing (Diamond, Stickley, Johnston, Stacey, 2010). Depending on the way the nurses react to these values, the patient outcome can be positive or negative. If they are pleased with the way the events turned out, then they can do their best when relating and treating their patients leading to high quality services. On the other hand, if th ey have differing values with those of the organization and are dissatisfied with the management, then the nurses may not appropriately handle the patients and some of them may end up complaining about the attention and treatment that they are getting (Crook, McNeese-Smith 2003). Despite the variation between the values of the organization and the values of the nurses, it is wise to come up with a means of overcoming the workplace challenges and coming up with amicable solutions. This can be done through the use of effective communication through the right channels about what the nurses would like and trying to find a way to deal with it. Some of the effective communication techniques may involve embracing the aspects of the organization’s values that are positive and agreeable with those of the nurses before posing the

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Holocaust Rememberance Day :: Free Essays

Then they came for me - and there was no one left to speak for me.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  We’ve been taught that it is important to know history so that we can understand and learn from past mistakes and avoid repeating them in the future. On May 2nd, millions of people worldwide will remember the victims of the Holocaust as we observe the Holocaust Remembrance Day.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Holocaust is the term that refers to the tragedy of the World War II, specifically the ethnic cleansing carried out by the Nazis. Counting around 11 million deaths, it is undoubtedly one of the most horrendous crimes committed against humanity. Holocaust encompasses the time period from 1938 to 1945; its victims range from Jews to physically disabled. Singled out as the primary target, the Jewish people suffered around 6 million deaths during the Holocaust, that being nearly 65% of European Jewry. However, they were not the only ones.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Germans sought to really â€Å"cleanse† the human race. They targeted all the people who were somehow different from their â€Å"norms†. 5 million people other than Jews were killed during the Holocaust; these included homosexuals, gypsies, disabled, Jehova’s witnesses and Polish people, the list goes on and on. Asides from all the deaths, Nazis are famous for notorious experiments that they performed on â€Å"lower† races in and outside of their concentration camps. They tore apart families, often making parents watch their children being escorted to the gas chambers. 11 million people fled during the Holocaust, imagine how many lost their families.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  On May 2nd you will see black tablecloths and burning candles on them. You can also see some movies and statistics. When you do see this, stop for just a second and think about those 11 million. If anything good can ever come out of the Holocaust, let it be the lesson for future generations. This lesson can be summarized in words of Martin Niemoller, an anti-Nazi German

Friday, January 17, 2020

L’Oréal And It’s Strategy Analysis Essay

Introduction L’Orà ©al is the company that I choose to be discussed. The reason why I choose this company is because they are the world leading cosmetic and beauty product’s company and they have a strong strategy for me to discuss on. L’Orà ©al is a cosmetics and beauty products’ company and it was founded at Clichy, France in 1909. Eugà ¨ne Schueller is the founder of the company, who became an instructor at the Sorbonne after completed his study in the Institute for Applied Chemistry in Paris. L’Orà ©al was primarily named as Socià ©tà © Francaise des Teintures Inoffensives pour Cheveux which means French Society for Inoffensive Tincture of Hair. It is a French based company which headquartered in Paris. There are over 130 countries operating this company like South and North America, Africa and Middle East, Europe, Asia and others, with up to 25 international brands. The international brands under L’Orà ©al include L’Orà ©al Professiona l, Lancà ´me Paris, Kiehl’s, Shu Uemura, Kà ©rastase and others. Production and marketing is the main scopes that focus by the company beside the dermatological and pharmaceutical fields. They are more concentrate on hair colours, skin care, fragrances and perfumes, cosmetic products and styling products which are specially created for individual and professional customers. They also came out with kids’ products which are known as L’Orà ©al Kids. The research team of L’Orà ©al was first started with only 3 chemists but it is now expanded to nearly 2000 chemists. Now, there are five research and development centre of L’Orà ©al globally. L’Orà ©al have a slogan of â€Å"Because we’re worth it†, which is also their vision statement. The reason why they have this vision is because of building a good customer relationship is what the company priority concern. This is to provide consumers with more satisfied products by the company’s lifestyle and philosophy. L’Orà ©al believes that everyone aspires to beauty. This is where they come out with their mission statement and made the business more meaningful and valuable. They wish to help everyone in the world, no matter male or female, get knows to their own aspiration and fully acquit their personalities. L’Orà ©al is the world’s leading cosmetics and beauty products’ company. Previously, Procter & Gamble was at the top ranking in this industry. By the substantive focus in L’Orà ©al, they are capable in targeting on more investment in Research and Development as well as advertising. Through the investment, it also enables the company become a  powerful force within the industry. In additional, L’Orà ©al also became the world’s biggest supplier for cosmetic products which hold over 19% market shares. By contrast, the company that ranked second, which is the Està ©e Lauder was quite far distant from L’Orà ©al as it occupied only 8%. With the help of cutting-edge technology, L’Orà ©al also took a strong pace in the introduction of their skin care products. Strategic Analysis SWOT Analysis of L’Orà ©al Strengths The main strength of L’Orà ©al is to offer the best products to their customers by continually conducting strong and new research, innovation and development in the concept of beauty. They are also leading the beauty and cosmetic industry with this type of research strategy, even in the competition market. Besides, L’Orà ©al situated more consideration in their specific actions and events. Their actions and events basically will be divided into five groups and the consumer product division as the main. In consumer product division, all their scopes are published through a gigantic market. Secondly is their luxury product division that included international brands. These products can get it through perfumeries, department outlet and duty free outlets. The next is their expert hair care items utilized by the expert beauticians and market through hair salon. This has been categorized into the professional product division and this division helps to keep up the nature of L’oreal Group. Other than that, another ability of L’Orà ©al is about their advertising strategy that being the key element toward the growth of the company. Throughout accomplishing the nature of their target market promotes through advertisement is the most ideal way. Weaknesses Dispersible of the hierarchical structure within a company is the greatest shortcoming which is usually faced by most of the organization including L’Orà ©al. On account of the numerous subdivisions of L’Orà ©al make it harder to run and control by the company. Thus, as a result of this, the manufactures of organization become more inefficient. Another weakness which the organization confronts is that their profits. The margin between their  cost price and offering cost is relatively lower than their other minor rivals. Thus, the profit they earn is different from their expectation. This is likewise happening in extensive advertisement and marketing. Last but not least, L’Orà ©al’s multinational promoting strategy is also their weakness. The reason why is become their shortcoming is mainly due to a few distinctions happened in the promotion and campaign of L’Orà ©al products, in the matter of what kind of image they are trying to present. Opportunities L’Orà ©al Group targeted on providing beauty and makeup products for different age levels of ladies. The constant market demand on these beauty products had allow L’Orà ©al to take the opportunity to focus on their areas of expertise, especially on their hair styling and colour, fragrance and perfume, cosmetics and skin cares. L’Orà ©al appeared with a famous and familiar image around the world even in those developing countries. This company acts as the pioneer brand in the industry as well. Another open door for the organization is that they obtained a lot of market share because of numerous registered patents by L’Orà ©al. Threats For L’Orà ©al, the greatest threat they commonly meet is that they need to confront with competitions among the same industry. Because their products continue to increase with, and therefore this may cause other brands took L’Orà ©al advantage of their profits. Besides, different economic conditions can also pose a threat to L’Orà ©al. Since the greater parts of the products are just inside the range of the populace of developed nations yet in some way L’Orà ©al takes care of this issue. Moreover, they produce products for the populace of under developed nations. In this manner, although the public do not think that L’Orà ©al’s products are daily needs, and it may be accompanied rejection, but the company is still in the best production lines to produce their products. Porter’s Five Force Model of L’Orà ©al Rivalry among the competitive firms (High) Various companies’ competitiveness, for example Proctor and Gamble, Avon, Estee Lauder and Shiseido push L’Orà ©al into the more elevated amount of rivalry in the current business of cosmetic and skin care products. These  contenders attempt to increase more market shares by keeping implement various strategies. L’Orà ©al needs nonstop quality enhancements for every production line in order to guarantee survival of this company in the industry. They must enhance their marketing channels with the assistance of highest technology and innovation to obtain more market share and globally targeted their market. Potential Entrants (Low) It can be considered very low in the participation of potential entrants into this moderate industry. The market already exists with strong company like Estee Lauder, Avon, Olay, Proctor and Gamble, as well as L’Orà ©al. This is very obvious that, there will be no serious threat or maybe little threat from any beginner of the business. L’Orà ©al does not appear to have such a tremendous risk from any potential entrants. Potential Developments of Substitutes (Low) Aging is the main reason why people around the world need skin cares. As a leader in cosmetic and beauty sector, L’Orà ©al seem like does not disturb by any potential substitute that come into the market. In additional, there is less substitution in the anti-aging products and so, it brings less threat to the market. Bargaining Power of Suppliers (LOW) L’Orà ©al in the profession is a giant, has the huge capacity that their production is exceeding 45 billion units every year, and therefore the supplier will have little opportunity to pose the enormous threat to L’Orà ©al. It is huge in world the quantity of supplier. Therefore the supplier has few or simply does not have the ability to bargain with L’Orà ©al. Therefore, L’Orà ©al not faced with too many threats from its supplier. Bargaining Power of Customers (High) The appearances of numerous powerful competitors like Procter & Gamble, Shiseido, Avon and other companies cause higher bargaining power of customer in the market. Because the usability of different company’s different products are high, the potential customer has the choice to go for other companies. Therefore, L’Orà ©al faced with threat of lack of customer. In this situation, L’Orà ©al must deal with this threat earnestly, as to maintain the  market share of this company in profession.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Who Invented the Spinning Jenny

During the 1700s, a number of inventions set the stage for an industrial revolution in weaving. Among them were the flying shuttle, the spinning jenny, the spinning frame, and the cotton gin. Together, these new tools allowed for the handling of large quantities of harvested cotton. Credit for the spinning jenny, the hand-powered multiple spinning machine invented in 1764, goes to a British carpenter and weaver named James Hargreaves. His invention  was the first machine to improve upon the spinning wheel. At the time, cotton producers had a difficult time meeting the demand for textiles, as each spinner produced only one spool of thread at a time. Hargreaves found a way to ramp up the supply of thread. Key Takeaways: Spinning Jenny Carpenter and weaver James Hargreaves invented the spinning jenny but sold too many before he applied for a patent.The spinning jenny wasnt only Hargeaves idea. Many people were trying at the time to invent a device to make textile manufacture easier.The increased size of the spinning jenny led to spinners moving their work to factories and out of the home. Spinning Jenny Definition Print Collector/Getty Images The people who took the raw materials (such as wool, flax, and cotton) and turned them into thread were spinners who worked at home with a spinning wheel. From the raw material they created a roving after cleaning and carding it. The roving was put over a spinning wheel to be twisted tighter into thread, which collected on the devices spindle. The original spinning jenny had eight spindles side by side, making thread from eight rovings across from them. All eight were controlled by one wheel and a belt, allowing for much more thread to be created at one time by one person. Later models of the spinning jenny had up to 120 spindles. James Hargreaves and His Invention Hargreaves’ story begins in Oswaldtwistle, England, where he was born in 1720. He had no formal education, was never taught how to read or write, and spent most of his life working as a carpenter and weaver. Legend has it that Hargreaves daughter once knocked over a spinning wheel, and as he watched the spindle roll across the floor, the idea of the spinning jenny came to him. This story, however, is a legend. The idea that Hargreaves named his invention after either his wife or his daughter is also a long-standing myth. The name jenny actually came from the English slang for engine. Hargreaves invented the machine around 1764, perhaps an improvement on one created by Thomas High that collected thread on six spindles. In any case, it was Hargreaves machine that was adopted widely. It came at a time of technological innovation in looms and weaving as well. Opposition to the Spinning Jenny After inventing the spinning jenny, Hargreaves built a number of models and started to sell them to locals. However, because each machine was capable of doing the work of eight people, spinners became angry about the competition. In 1768, a group of spinners broke into Hargreaves house and destroyed his machines to prevent them from taking away their work. Increased production per person eventually led to the drop in prices paid for the thread. Opposition to the machine caused Hargreaves to relocate to Nottingham, where he found a business partner in Thomas James. They set up a small mill to supply hosiery makers with suitable yarn. On July 12, 1770, Hargreaves took out a patent on a 16-spindle spinning jenny and soon after sent notice to others who were using copies of the machine that he would pursue legal action against them. The manufacturers he went after offered him a sum of 3,000 pounds to drop the case, less than half of Hargreaves requested 7,000 pounds. Hargreaves ultimately lost the case when it turned out that the courts had rejected his patent application. He had produced and sold too many of his machines before filing for the patent. The technology was already out there and being used in many machines. The Spinning Jenny and the Industrial Revolution Prior to the spinning jenny, weaving was done at home, in literal cottage industries. Even an eight-spindle jenny could be used in the home. But when the machines grew, to 16, 24, and eventually to 80 and 120 spindles, the work then moved to factories. Hargreaves invention not only decreased the need for labor but also saved money in the transportation of raw materials and completed products. The only drawback was that the machine produced thread that was too coarse to be used for warp threads (the weaving term for the yarns that extend lengthwise in a loom) and could only be used to make weft threads (the crosswise yarns). It was also weaker than what could be made by hand. However, the new production process still lowered the price at which fabric could be made, making textiles more available to more people. The spinning jenny was commonly used in the cotton industry until about 1810, when the spinning mule replaced it. These major technological improvements in looms, weaving, and spinning led to the growth of the textile industry, which was a significant part of the birth of factories. The British Library notes, Richard Arkwright’s cotton factories in Nottingham and Cromford, for example, employed nearly 600 people by the 1770s,  including many small children, whose nimble hands made light-work of spinning. Arkwrights machines had solved the problem of the weak threads. Other industries were not far behind in moving out of the local shop to large factories. The metalworks industry (producing parts for steam engines) was also moving to factories at this time. Steam-powered engines had made the Industrial Revolution possible—and the ability to set up factories in the first place—by being able to supply steady power to run large machines.